Teenage boy caught stripping car for parts

      Teenage boy caught  stripping car for parts

The car that was being stripped by several persons on Sunday.


ZORG EN RUST--Police arrested a fifteen-year-old boy R.R.A. in Zorg en Rust on Sunday after he and several others were seen stripping a potentially stolen car for parts.

  According to police, someone called the central dispatch to report that several persons were in some tall grass and stripping a vehicle for parts.

  When police arrived at the scene, they saw the young man standing next to the stripped car. When he saw the approaching officers, he got on a motorcycle and tried to flee the scene.

  His attempts at escape proved futile and officers arrested the young man after a short chase. He was then taken to the Philipsburg police station for questioning.

  After giving a statement to police, he was released in the custody of his parents.

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