Already grieving for Mom

Dear Queenie,

  My husband cheated on me with my own sister. When I found out, he promised to end things with her and never do anything like that again and I think he has kept that promise, but now my mother, who is almost 90, is very sick and probably won’t live much longer.

  I can’t stand to be anywhere around my sister and she wants to come see our mother before she dies and after she dies my sister will probably be at her funeral.

  Queenie, how can I take care of my mother and pay respects after she is gone and deal with my sister at the same time?—Already grieving for Mom

Dear Already grieving,

  I am glad you have managed to work things out with your husband.

  As for your sister, I hope you can manage to just totally ignore her whenever you are in the same room with her – not look at her or speak to her, just pretend she is not there – while you are polite or even friendly with everyone else.

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