What you expect?

Dear Editor,

I was sitting among some folks discussing the latest development in government. A whole lot of sense was made among those folks. What prompted me to write to you though, is an observation which caused a little pause. One person asked, what is the difference between those guys on motorbikes, those armed robbers, supermarket owners and our members of Parliament? I had a good laugh, because I had already begun to formulate a similar letter to you concerning the bad example that our members of Parliament are continuing to show to the public at large.

We do not need a legislative hall any more. Since those ladies turned the Parliament meeting hall into a dancing hall, social media has become the new meeting place for Parliament meetings. I was even told that advice is be passed on from as far as Nairobi, but I cannot ascertain that. What I do know is that there are still investigations going on as far as government employees are concerned. And that is my concern, because since 10-10-'10, I cannot boast about anything in this country that will not be able to be debunked.

Our traffic is congested, our politicians do not have any sense of decorum. No one listens to sane and sound advice, the impression is still "What's in it for me", and worst of all is the interpretation of the minimum wage law that nobody addresses. I am fully aware that gossip about a molehill can make it into a mountain, but repeatedly no smoke without fire has been proven here.

Hence this last election is a classic example. One does not need any kind of formal education to become a member of Parliament. Like the guy who told his friend, when the friend, who was surprised at him getting on a political list, questioned him about it, answered his friend "The money sweet". To that I say, people take care of that which they sweat for and easy come easy go. The only honest part of this whole thing is that no parliamentarian can say not me. All of them are guilty of contributing to the gradual demise of our sweet St. Maarten Land.

I can ask each and everyone of them how many hours a week they work for the kind of salary they take home? We proved what we did by the number of arrests, fines, assistances, fires, traffic accidents, you name them. Is it possible to organise a G.E.D. course from now until August 19th? We need it!

Russell A. Simmons

The Daily Herald

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