Open letter to St. Maarten citizens on transparency and accountability on Ottley’s NHI

Dear Citizens of St. Maarten,

I share your concerns about Ottley’s National Healthcare Insurance (NHI) and the questions surrounding its financial implications and the sudden introduction of this policy. It is vital that we seek transparency, accountability, and thorough answers to these pressing questions.

Key questions about Ottley NHI:

1. The NHI Document: To make informed decisions, it is essential that the government provides the NHI document for public review. Transparency in the policymaking process is crucial.

2. Financial Relief: It's essential that the government outlines precisely how NHI will provide financial relief to the citizens of St. Maarten. Will these costs indeed be reduced, and if so, how?

3. Government's Financial Capacity: The financial stability of this program is paramount. The government must demonstrate its ability to manage the costs and commitments associated with NHI.

4. Funding and Taxes: How will NHI be funded? Will it result in additional taxes on the citizens? Transparency on the funding structure is essential to understanding the economic impact.

5. Comparison of Premiums: A comparative analysis of NHI premiums versus current premiums must be presented. Citizens deserve clear information about how this change will affect their finances.

6. Coverage and Transition: How will NHI cover existing obligations, such as Fund for Sickness and Accident Costs (FZOG)? A detailed transition plan should be provided.

7. Accountability: We demand accountability from our government representatives. If there are promises that have not been upheld, the government should address these issues promptly.

The concerns expressed by the citizens of St. Maarten are valid, and it is your right to seek answers and transparency. The government’s role is to provide clear, fact-based information on policies that have a significant impact on our lives.

Omar Ottley and Rolando Brison have a responsibility to address these concerns and provide clear, honest answers to the people they serve. It is through open dialogue and transparency that we can collectively work towards solutions that benefit everyone.

Let’s hold our leaders accountable and ensure that our voices are heard in the decisions that shape our future. Together, we can build a stronger, healthier St. Maarten.

Quincy Rochester

The Daily Herald

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