Proposal for cost-cutting measures being prepared

Proposal for cost-cutting  measures being prepared

PHILIPSBURG--Finance Minister Ardwell Irion said on Friday that a proposal for cost-cutting measures is being prepared as the country moves to tighten its belt in light of the coronavirus COVID-19 crisis.

  He was responding to a question from a Member of Parliament (MP) during the continuation of a meeting on the St. Maarten Stimulus and Relief Plan (SSRP)

  Irion said government has already frozen all bonuses and incremental salary increases since March 2020.

  “As I am sure the MP can imagine, the workload of the Ministry of Finance is particularly heavy at this time, especially considering the lockdown. The staff and my cabinet are working day and night, seven days a week,” he said. “This is not a complaint, simply a fact.

  “Matters that need to be dealt with are being handled in the most logical order. This means that after we complete the handling of the SSRP in parliament, the ministry immediately proceeds to focusing on the handling of the 2020 budget. Cost-cutting measures, while already drafted, will be completed after the process of handling the budget is completed.

  “Given the current situation facing our country, undoubtedly sacrifices will need to be made. We are all in this together. At this moment in time everything is on the table to make a well-reasoned and thoughtful decision.”   

The Daily Herald

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