New training centre CARIFOTEF inaugurated by Prefet Thursday

New training centre CARIFOTEF  inaugurated by Prefet Thursday

Meeting in progress at the CARIFOTEF training centre on Thursday. (Collectivité photo)

MARIGOT--Centre for Animation of Resources and Information on the Training and Observatory of Employment and Training of Saint-Martin (CARIFOTEF) was inaugurated on Thursday, May 16, in the presence of Prefet Vincent Berton, President of CARIFOTEF, Collectivité President Louis Mussington, Vice-Recteur Harry Christophe and Vice President in charge of Human Development and Citizenship Dominique Louisy.

CARIFOTEF aims to facilitate the adaptation of training offers to the needs of the territory's youth. The centre is situated in a premises in Bellevue.

The Collectivité and the State hope to assist the population in the face of substantial unemployment and provide the local economy with the skills necessary for its development.

President Louis Mussington welcomed the initiative and thanked the technicians of the State and Collectivité who were involved in the implementation of this tool on the territory.

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