The only thing

The only thing

The only thing Declared independent parliamentarian Kevin Maingrette made a 180-degree about-face on Saturday (see related story), informing Governor Ajamu Baly he no longer supports the new majority created just a week ago by him with – then – opposition parties NA and UP.

This led to the fall of the Mercelina I Cabinet, which subsequently resigned. That Maingrette suddenly turns around to back that same “two by four” URSM/DP/PFP/NOW government he in effect sent home is striking to say the least. His argument was later realising that NA and UP were only interested in destabilising the country rather than to act in its best interest.

URSM’s board said it believed this was a result of “deep reflection” by the former NOW faction member and realising that action sparks reaction. PFP leader Mellisa Gumbs commented that “when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Predictably, neither Maingrette’s ex-party NOW nor its three governing partners are buying into it. The decision to dissolve Parliament and hold snap elections will therefore be upheld.

As reported in today’s edition, the Central Voting Bureau has meanwhile suggested a new schedule for the latter because the July 18 date in the relevant national decree proved incompatible with existing electoral law requirements, procedures and terms. Of particular concern was not being able to register new political parties, which would be restricting passive voting rights. It should be interesting to see whether Maingrette stands candidate in this early return to the polls now proposed for August 19 and with whom.

After all, none of the current six parties in the legislature will likely want him on their list. The only thing his latest move really means in the coming months is that discussions on the feasibility of forming an interim cabinet mentioned by the governor are off, because “The Great Eight” have once again become the “Super Seven,” at least for the moment.

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