Strange bedfellows

Strange bedfellows

The reappointment of Sarah Wescot-Williams (DP), Christophe Emmanuel (NOW) and Melissa Gumbs (PFP) as respectively President, Vice President and Second Vice President of Parliament (see related story) confirms that the URSM/DP/PFP/NOW coalition remains in power. They each received eight of the 15 votes, obviously including that of independent parliamentarian Kevin Maingrette, who recently withdrew his support from the current “two-by-four” government but then had a change of heart six days later.

The Mercelina I Cabinet already resigned and subsequently dissolved the legislature to call snap elections set for August 19. They will thus remain in a caretaker status until results at the polls lead to formation of a new government with majority backing from the next Parliament taking office on September 20.

Prime Minister Luc Mercelina indicated in Wednesday’s press briefing that no more attempts will be made to add two cabinet members in the meantime. Governor Ajamu Baly refused to sign national decrees appointing NOW leader Emmanuel and former PFP parliamentarians Raeyhon Peterson as ministers, so there are only five instead of the usual seven, two of them consequently with double portfolios.

Maingrette’s turnaround also means the country will be spared another interim-cabinet based on his short-lived governing accord with NA and UP in what was called the “Great Eight” coalition. The latter two parties earlier referred to as “Super Seven” have thus returned to the opposition benches.

Some people find it all a waste of time and about 500,000 Netherlands Antillean guilders to organise the early election, because they foresee a similar outcome as in January. However, that won’t necessarily be the case.

For one thing, two parties currently not represented in Parliament have announced they will participate and others may follow. Moreover, several candidates are expected to appear on a different list than before.

As known, politics can make for strange bedfellows.

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