Tell the truth

Dear Editor,

Before writing to you, one thing I always think of is John: Chapter 8, verses 31 and 32.

When I was in the fifth grade my mother asked me if I was willing to go work in the Chinese shop after school. I was doing well in school and did not have a problem with homework, so I told her I would go.

From then already I knew that people in business set a goal for the month and if that month they did not reach that goal, even though they made a profit they would say they lost. Meaning if their goal was to make $1,000 profit and they made only $900 profit, they would say they lost. I just read the article "UP was hijacked" and that thought came to mind. But the other thing that came to mind is the different books in the Bible which talk about “all crave”. But then again. one has to be into the Bible to know these things.

I also read, “You must have some sort of respect for what her votes mean. You must have some sort of respect for the population. You must have respect for what the party stands for.” When I read that I asked myself, when forming a coalition, do they have respect for all the other politicians who got more votes than each other and are left out of government? Do they take them into consideration? Also, is that having respect for the population?

Because of the many different coalitions since 10-10-’10. I believe that even a novice would know what has been happening on St. Maarten. I do not believe in highjacking, but In Dutch there is a saying “Boontje komt om zijn loontje” (you get what you deserve). Which reminds me of many years ago, when I went to mediate a quarrel between a white American couple. As the wife was explaining what the quarrel was about, she turned and told her husband, “Payback is bit …, huh?” And I must also add our saying: “Tit for Tat, butter for fat”. Also I must add that this kind of behavior reminds me of immature, selfish children.

When things were in his favor, he did not talk about all the maneuvering and all the deals he had made. So wah goin’ on? The profit drop from $1,000 to $900? What about the pensioners of whom we know which party the majority voted for, what about their pension?

From time to time I will end my letters with the following: “Those who desire to live honestly, who want their lives to display faithfulness and authenticity, make choices based on what is true rather than what is expedient". So, if one wants to live upright one needs to let integrity lead them.

Russell A. Simmons

The Daily Herald

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