Do we value life?

Dear Editor,

 This topic is for people to think critically. From about 1960 until 1990, parents used to teach their children first about God, and then to get an education to make a good comfortable and quality life.

  Unfortunately, that thinking is not enough to achieve a good quality of life. We have to go back to basics; we have to teach them about God first, and then teach them there are only 2 genders. We have to teach our children that God created men for women, and when they grow up, it is only the natural quality of life for men to marry women.

  We have to teach them that men and boys go to the male’s restroom and women and girls go to the female’s restroom. We must teach our children that God made women and men differently because it takes two of opposite sex to create a new life. They must learn about a natural and decent quality of life, which is for a man to cohabit with a woman, and not with the same sex, which is unnatural.

  You might ask me, but why teach that? The reason we have to teach this is that the world with the spirit of the age –be it the music industry and the movies and television – is painting a different picture with the intention of deceiving people.

 To control people, you paint a picture that you want them to believe, say or show it over and over, and then it becomes acceptable. The acceptability of evil will produce a poor quality of life.

  The big question is what do we accept as normal or good quality of life? Is education and having money and vanity a good quality of life only? Is a good quality of life a male and a female, which constitute a real family, even though they may not have money or graduate with education?

  Is a man married to a man or a woman married to a woman, who is highly educated with lots of money living with children as father and mother a good quality of life? Does a good quality of life constitute the amount of money you have or does a good quality of life have to do with good moral character?

  Would you accept your son to cohabit with a man and accept it because his partner is rich? Would you accept your son to marry a prostitute, if she is the breadwinner in the family? The point is this, what is a value and a quality life for you? Would you accept your children to spend some time with a rich paedophile?

The world we are living in presently has changed and the coward society is afraid to confront it. Parents and society are not teaching our children the values of life. We left it up to sports icons, media icons, movie stars and singers to teach our children what is good, and those are exactly the people who are deceiving them.

  Many churches now are in bed with the popularity; they are using popular figures to see if they can promote Christianity. Jesus made it crystal clear, "a friend with the world is an enemy of God."

  The conclusion is: do we value life, or what is a good quality of life?

What you accept is what you deserve. Freedom does not come free, and good quality of life is determined by your lifestyle, if it is pleasing to Christ or not.

I am not here to judge any person; the point is to identify who are you and what do you stand for?

  Whatever you accept, be it bad or good, the consequences are yours to live with. Please do not blame the world. God gives you a mind to think for yourself.

The point is this, you cannot run from evil, it will come to your door sooner or later. You can choose to give in and accept, it or confront it and defeat it.

The end result is what determines your destiny. Value life and choose the good quality God has made it to be.

  Choices have consequences, therefore choose wisely!

The Patriot Miguel Arrindell

The Daily Herald

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