Disgusted on multiple counts!

Dear Editor,

This letter is addessed to those in charge of the Island. Being a 40-year-old visitor to the island and now owning for several years I am disgusted by the actions of many. So many topics to be addressed and I’m not sure where to start, so bear with me. I will leave the dump and airport to others! And I won’t call out the politicians who offered up help but then fell to the wayside.

Let’s start with utilities. In what world can a utility company demand payment but not send bills? How is this even allowed? I tell people how I randomly send money guessing what I owe and they look at me like I’m crazy.


You allow growth with no thought to infrastructure or appearance. Why aren’t there height limits or care given to neighboring properties? Cupecoy is an eyesore, and it’s just getting worse with over-development. What was once the “Gold Coast” is becoming a concrete jungle. Over-building with no thought. Police presence is needed everywhere! Especially with more and more people visiting and living on island. I should be able to wear a necklace while walking or carry a bag without fear. Stop-and-grabs by scooter riders, harassment and intimidations by scooter riders is over the top. All season, Sunday “cruises” through Maho and not a police car anywhere as a deterrent.

Mullet Bay

Beyond sad what you have allowed to happen there. What a disgrace that non-profits have to constantly clean the beach! It’s a working golf course, work with whoever and put up fencing to keep cars and people off. (Take a look at the fencing in Terres Basses). Players shouldn’t have to travel to neighboring islands to play when there is an amazing course that just needs to be taken over.

MB Beach Parking – Expand the current lot, you have allowed bars and beach chair rentals to increase but no thought for parking! There is space, just make the current lot larger and ticket those who don’t use it! Whatever happened to the the Boardwalk? Hmmm. Rhine Road hasn’t changed since the 1970s. It becomes barely one lane on the weekends and never mind if there is rain.


Just read about a customer being verbally abused for leaving 5% on top of the 15% charged by the restaurant. This ripping off of the American consumer (all consumers) needs to stop. So many Dutch-side restaurants are charging 15% service charge, taxes, TOT, etc., but let’s call it what it is – guaranteed TIP! Restauranteurs need to increase their prices or charge the 15% and call it what it is. But double tipping is a major turnoff and needs to be addressed.

Sorry for the long and somewhat confusing rant, but so much has to be addressed to get back on the right track. Thank you for listening!

A Seasoned Traveler



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