Curaçao back into lockdown

Curaçao back  into lockdown

Monday’s stats

WILLEMSTAD--There will be another coronavirus-related lockdown in Curaçao for the next two weeks from Wednesday, March 24.

  Everyone should remain indoors to have as little contact with persons outside the household as possible, particularly due to the rapid spread of the British COVID-19 variant. More and more people are also being admitted to the hospital, and its intensive care department.

 The starting point again becomes stay at home. The curfew remains the same, so people can still visit essential stores such as supermarkets, pharmacies and gas stations, between 4:30am and 9:00pm.

  However, the vehicle “licence plate of the day” also returns, and no one is allowed on the roads on Sundays. Motorists with the letters A, D, F, G, H, K, BF, Z and WA, can be on the streets on Mondays and Thursdays. Tuesdays and Fridays are for those with B, J, L, N, R, U and MF, while Wednesdays and Saturdays are for those with S, T, V, X and Y.

  Exemptions to the “plachi di dia” restriction can be requested by visiting and filling out a form. This applies to the car-free Sunday as well.

  There is also an exception for those who need to transport children to and from schools or day-cares. This can be done from 4:30am to 8:00am, and 12:00pm to 2:00pm. For informal care, there is an exception from 4:30am to 8:00am, and 4:30pm to 8:00pm.

 The plate of the day rule does not apply to getting COVID-19 vaccines. People who have an appointment to be vaccinated can freely go.

  Caretaker Minister of Health, Environment and Nature Zita Jesus-Leito called on everyone to get vaccinated. She wants to achieve 85 per cent coverage of the population.

  "There are plenty of vaccines and more of them will arrive on the island by the end of the week." The aim is to speed up process as soon as possible now that all problems with the registration system have been resolved.

  Restaurants and “trùk’i pan” (food trucks) may only open for deliveries. Visiting the beach is prohibited for the time-being.

  All gyms must remain closed. Sports in groups is no longer allowed.
  Individual sports are allowed, but it is not permitted to drive to a place for training. Individual outdoor sports are also allowed from 4:30am to 8:00am, and 4:30pm to 8:00pm.

   “We must do everything we can to prevent the spread of corona,” said outgoing Prime Minister Eugene Rhuggenaath. “The vaccination process continues as planned and construction work may still be done under certain conditions.”

  He further indicated that borders would remain open. Tourists can keep coming, but the new measures also apply to them. They too must adhere to the curfew and the licence plate of the day rule.

  Another patient with COVID-19 symptoms died at the hospital over the weekend, just like Thursday. The pandemic has so far claimed 24 lives on the island.

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