Dear Queenie,
I am careful to keep to a normal weight, but my husband has gotten very, very, very, hugely fat and refuses to talk to me about anything that has to do with his weight, like exercising and watching what he eats, and he hangs out with a bunch of friends who are also very fat.
Queenie, I worry about his health. What can I do?—Worried wife
Dear Wife,
Because your husband’s friends are also hugely overweight, they all probably think they are of normal size and there is no way you can force him to think differently.
A physical check-up might help, because he might listen to his doctor when he will not listen to you, but there is not much you can do beside making sure that the food in your home is as nutritious and non-fattening as possible. It might help if you can get him to do any physical activity, like taking a walk with you after eating a meal.