To cut off your nose to spite your face

Dear Editor,

Luis, yes Luis should never be forgotten and I will even state that Luis should always be the rule by which we should measure every kind of transaction, whether, business permits, whether residence permits or whatever kind of permit requested. Immigration records should show who left and who stayed. And most of all we, yes we, including myself, could not find any illegal immigrants, except those who were convinced by their job owners to stay and help clean up.. We had similar experiences with one or two serious hurricanes after that.

Then came Irma (2017) and before the results of the ravages of Irma could be remedied came the pandemic of which up to today no concrete cause and results can be given

There are umpteen homes which as a consequence of the devastation of Irma cannot be repaired. There are umpteen members of families still shacking up with each other. I am not in government but by reading I know that there is still a dispute for money between Holland and St. Maarten as a consequence of what happened in that period between Irma and the pandemic.

What I also know from reading and self experience is that all kinds of reasons were given for the drastic rise of prices in the businesses and that even though the reasons given for this phenomenon is not clear to the people, no one has made an effort to reason with those who have taken a decision to raise the prices of their goods, mainly the supermarket managers (owners) and the hardware store owners.

Nobody is passing their hand over their hearts for the hard-working people on St. Maarten.

After stating that, let me ask this: What would the response of those people be, if asked to help St. Maarten out of its predicament? They would not even know that there is an island called St. Maarten. Do we see any tourists from those countries contributing to our economy? Do we want this to be world news that the government of St. Maarten is meddling, yes. Meddling, because that is what it will be considered, in the affairs of Palestine?

I do not know who they give to, but I am sure that it is not the brunt of the people who patronize their businesses.

Ask for our prayers for world peace and do not forget the Haitians living for years on St. Maarten.

We cannot even compromise with our own Kingdom partners to consider us in our legitimate struggles, why would anyone think that we could make a difference by permitting a demonstration against countries which do not even know that we exist?

We know what is happening in Haiti, I did not hear anyone suggest a peaceful march in solidarity for our neighbors.

Definitely nothing personal and definitely no offense meant to anyone, but why now? I am trying to recall any kind of social affairs that Palestinians have joined us in. This is not a matter of payback, but are we not aware on this little island of St. Maarten of the different nationalities which literally prohibit their women from associating with men outside of their culture? I know of those complaints because of what I did. I mentioned their women, because we as men know who we encounter where.

Should I be under the impression that we are being used or perhaps it is that they feel entitled to that permission?

We are still friendly and we are still peaceful. All we need is the solution for everybody to be able to know where their next meal is coming from. Do we really want to cut off our nose to spite our face?

Russell A. Simmons

The Daily Herald

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