Motorworld assists 7 schools with ‘Adopt-A-School Program’

Motorworld assists 7 schools with ‘Adopt-A-School Program’

From left: Nicole Rogers (Excellence Learning Academy Foundation); Julisa Ellis (Hillside Christian School); Erika Richardson (MAC John A. Gumbs Campus); Jodewine Hodge (Sister Magda Primary); Tessa Marsham Davis (MAC Browlia Maillard Campus); Audra Cabey (Oranje School’s 5th grade); Vera Illidge (Seventh Day Adventist School) and Nympha Richardson (Motorworld).

COLE BAY--Motorworld continued to back education with its “Adopt-A-School Program” which supports schools with approximately US $500-$1,000 to help with urgently identified areas of need.

Schools that are part of the programme this year are Excellence Learning Academy Foundation; Hillside Christian School; St. Maarten Academy Preparatory Secondary Vocational Education (PSVE) section; St. Maarten Seventh-Day Adventist School; Sister Magda Primary; Methodist Agogic Centre (MAC) Campus’ 1 and 2, and Oranje School’s fifth grade class.
Of the requests received this year, the vast majority focused on creating spaces that are safe for students, as well as encouraging their learning and social skills. For example, projects included contributing to the improvement and beautification of playgrounds, providing security equipment for safety, securing musical instruments, and supplying tablets and other equipment for digital learning labs.
“Just like at work, being in a comfortable and stimulating atmosphere plays a big role in how productive and inspired we are. It’s the same for our students, and we’re happy to support the schools in further developing these spaces for our children to be the best versions of themselves and get the most out of their education,” shares Managing Director of Motorworld Group of Companies, Tariq Amjad.
The initiative was launched in March 2021 as a community outreach initiative to assist schools in the country by providing financing for urgently identified areas of need.
Motorworld said in a press statement that it firmly believes that education is of paramount importance to the development and sustainability of communities. “As the island is still attempting to recover after Hurricane Irma and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Motorworld has been working diligently to give back to the community in any way and form that it can,” it was stated in the release.
The main goal of the initiative is for Motorworld to adopt five to ten schools each year, and each adopted school will then qualify for the sponsorship/support of approximately $500-$1,000. The purpose of these funds is to assist with any area of need identified within the school(s), classroom(s), and by the respective school management, Motorworld said.
Motorworld said it is proud to embark on this new journey once again and is also excited about the outcome and achievements. Motorworld thanked the schools that submitted proposals, and encouraged educational institutions to prepare for the continuation of the annual programme for the upcoming 2023 academic year. “Much success to everyone further and in the execution of the upcoming projects that will improve our educational atmosphere on the island,” it was stated in the release.

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