Govt. mitigates price gouging with new Goods and Prices Act

Govt. mitigates price gouging  with new Goods and Prices Act


ANGUILLA--The government of Anguilla has taken steps to guard against price gouging during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Distribution of Goods and Prices Act (Maximum Price Order) came into force on April 9 and will expire on July 9. The order was made by Premier Victor Banks who is the minister responsible for Trade and Industry.

  There are two parts to the Maximum Price Order – Part A refers to goods sold by retail outlets where the maximum price shall be the cost, insurance and freight (CIF) value plus a mark-up of 40 per cent. For goods listed in Part B that are sold wholesale, the maximum price shall be the CIF value plus a mark-up of 20 per cent.

  The price-controlled goods are divided into Cleaning Supplies and Food Items. Cleaning Supplies include hand sanitisers, hand soaps, detergents, disinfectants, toilet paper, paper towels and napkins, pampers, personal protective equipment (PPE) (footgear, headgear, masks and HAZMAT suits), gloves, garbage bags as well as rubbing alcohol, medication (vitamins) and prescribed medications for cold and flu; and painkillers. Food Items include rice, sugar, flour, chicken, fish, cereals, milk, food supplements for the elderly and children, fresh or chilled vegetables and fruits, canned vegetables and fruits, water and baby food.

 These regulations will be placed in stores by today, Tuesday, April 14. Provision has been made within The Order that before the expiry of the regulations, the minister may by notice published in the Gazette, extend the time at which these regulations are scheduled to expire.

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