Executive, Island Councils urge residents to adhere to measures

  Executive, Island Councils urge residents to adhere to measures

Members of the Executive and Island Councils of Saba after their installation late March 2019. (File photo)

 SABA--The Saba Executive and Island Councils issued a joint statement on Thursday, April 16, calling on people to adhere to the strict measures to stop the spreading of coronavirus COVID-19. Gratitude was expressed to the health care professionals for tending to the ill and the quarantined, and to other frontline workers who ensure that people receive groceries and their medication and that vital services can continue during the mandatory lockdown.

“We are living in unprecedented times. For months we have watched as the coronavirus has wreaked havoc in countries, communities and families far from our shores. We watched as borders closed and citizens were asked to stay home to protect not only themselves but also the most defenceless among them.

“Recently we discovered that the virus was present in our small and vulnerable community and now this too has become our reality. While at this time we are not sure how the virus came to our island, we can only hope that by practising social distancing among ourselves that we have been able to already limit the spread,” the statement read.

People in Saba are now asked to do more than just social distancing.

“With the fact that the virus is among us, we must do everything in our power to stop COVID-19 in its tracks. In order to do this, we must stop physical contact with our friends, families and our neighbours so that the virus no longer can find a place to live.

“We know that this is not easy, but if we want to protect our loved ones and our community we must adhere to these latest measures. It is important to note that this virus can impact everyone regardless of age and health status, so everyone must do what they can to also protect themselves.”


Limited medical capacity

People need to be aware that Saba has very limited medical capacity, it was stated. “We must be aware that our partners within the Dutch Caribbean, where our patients normally go for health care, are also waging a war against this deadly disease. This is another reason why it is important that everyone does everything possible to limit their contacts unless absolutely necessary.”

At this moment it is unclear how many people have the coronavirus in Saba, as it is assumed that the virus has been on the island for some time. That is why it is important to support the Public Health Department and give it the chance to do its work, such as testing, isolating and tracing close contacts of those who are or may become ill, it was stated.

“Your full cooperation and honesty are absolutely necessary to aid these workers who are working tirelessly to help all of us. If people continue to move around unnecessarily, this will only increase the amount of work they have to do to protect us and ultimately eliminate the virus from the island.”

The elected officials of both the Island and Executive Councils said they were aware that many residents have concerns about how things will move forward in the near future.

“We have heard these concerns and we want to assure you that we are working to address them with each other and also with our partners in the region, as well as the Netherlands. We would also like to impress upon you that at this point we should all be focused on one goal: eliminating COVID-19 from Saba.”

According to the councils, now is not the time for politicking. “There is no need to inject politics into our new realities caused by this virus. We applaud our Island Governor and the Outbreak Management Team for their continued efforts. It is of utmost importance that we follow the directions of our Island Governor, as he is the chairman of the team tasked with the tedious mission to rid Saba of this deadly virus.”



The council members expressed their gratitude to the “frontline workers” who are putting their own safety at risk to ensure that the sick are tended to, grocery orders are processed and delivered, and that vital functions continue, be it in a limited capacity. “Thank you for your dedication during these challenging times.”

The elected bodies were positive that Saba will overcome the pandemic.

“The Saban identity has been forged by the very fire of adversity and to overcome this challenge will require the fortitude that is the legacy of our ancestors. Saba has been through tough times before and if we all stand together and do what is required of us during these troubling times, we can rest assured that we will see our friends and family when the dawn of this terrible night is over.”

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