Comprehensive approach to storm- and wastewater

Comprehensive approach to storm- and wastewater

The presentation of the St. Maarten Sewerage Master Plan 2020-2030 on August 11 (from left) Acting Department Head of Infrastructure Charlon Pompier, VROMI Minister Egbert Doran, Tecon Consultancy owner Johan van Teeffelen and Bako Maynard of Department of New Projects.


PHILIPSBURG--Country St. Maarten Sewerage Master Plan 2020-2030 contains guidelines for sustainable management of storm water and wastewater. The draft Master Plan is awaiting adoption by the Council of Ministers.

Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure VROMI Egbert Doran received the St. Maarten Sewerage Master Plan on August 11 from Johan van Teeffelen, owner of Tecon Consultancy firm, which has compiled the multi-year plan on behalf of the government.
The government of St. Maarten has worked diligently in recent years to draft rules, regulations and plans in the field of storm- and wastewater management for St. Maarten, Doran said. “A policy has been drafted with recommendations, rules and regulations for both stormwater and wastewater.”
The policy document for storm water includes a set of guidelines for slowing down the discharge as well as storage of storm water in so-called “detention ponds” during the storm and thereafter. “For new-to-develop areas, it is of utmost importance to adhere to these rules and guidelines to protect low-lying areas,” Doran said.
The policy at hand aims to protect existing infrastructure and ecosystems from flash floods, improve hygiene on the island and enhance public safety.
“In 2005 two lives were sadly lost because of flash flooding that happened in the Cul de Sac area,” Doran recounted. “Hard surfacing of (newly to develop) areas will cause storm water to be discharged very fast and thus forming a great threat for low-lying areas. The goal is to avoid huge amounts of storm water from flowing down very quickly and dragging everything along with it. Besides that, a quick rise of water levels may cause a lot of damage to buildings.”
Doran said plans were drafted on how and where improvements for storm water drainage as well as extended construction of sewerage for the coming 10 years can be executed. “Design standards were prepared for contractors and Government.”
Regarding the technical requirements for construction of sewage or drainage systems, standards and norms have been drafted for both, comprising design standards. “These two sets of guidelines and norms have been drafted for contractors as well as for government departments and are meant for calculating and constructing sewage systems, including lifting stations, etc., as well as for storm-water facilities like weirs, culverts, trenches, or swales,” Doran said.
St. Maarten Sewerage Masterplan 2020-2030 describes the current situation and problems with sewage water and provides insight into the available facilities, their condition, and their functioning.
“Government has and will construct and manage sewers as well as central and decentralised wastewater treatment plants,” Doran said. “The master plan indicates which priorities have been set for the coming years in order to achieve the desired goal.”
Constructing sewers and wastewater treatment, whether they are central (government) or decentralised (private or a resort or bigger development), are means of reducing nuisances and health risks, Minister Doran said.
“A threat to the wellbeing of residents and tourists is present when sewage is discharged untreated in surface water or running over the streets. In that way, there is also a very important economic aspect involved when sewage is not taken seriously. Construction of sewers is a proven way to reduce these risks.”

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