Collectivité in Sandy Ground to distribute crash helmets

Collectivité in Sandy Ground  to distribute crash helmets

Elected officials were in Sandy Ground Monday to distribute free crash helmets to the youth. (Collectivité photo)


MARIGOT--Vice Presidents Bernadette Davis and Michel Petit, and Territorial Councillor Martine Beldor were in Sandy Ground on Monday to distribute free crash helmets to the youth who ride two-wheelers, to raise awareness of safety on the roads.

The elected officials met young people to educate them on road safety during in-depth exchanges that ended with distribution of helmets. Distributing helmets is an on-going initiative to try to reduce the number of accidents, some of which are fatal.

Also present was Sous-Préfète Marie-Hildegarde Chauveau who spoke on the State’s actions on road safety and the dangers the roads represent, supported by worrying figures, and the need to be cautious and respectful of the highway code.

Vice Presidents Bernadette Davis and Michel Petit strongly emphasised the need to change road behaviour and the importance of wearing safety gear. Wearing a helmet can save a life.

Since 2023 the Collectivité’s Safety Prevention Mission (Conseil Local de Sécurité et de Prévention de la Délinquance CLSPD) has initiated the programme “Collectivité au Coeur des Quartiers” (Collectivité at the heart of the districts), to accompany young people in priority neighbourhoods and spread road safety awareness.

CLSPD continues its actions in the neighbourhoods by accompanying young people with social media and offering sports and recreational activities. Members of the Gendarmerie and Territorial Police were present. The awareness event was organised in partnership with the association ASR prevention SXM.

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