Agreement signed to start school repair programme

Agreement signed to start  school repair programme

From left (front): Director of NRPB Claret Connor, Minister of ECYS Rodolphe Samuel and Director of WWRI Pierre Montesant as they sign the agreement.


PHILIPSBURG--Director of the National Recovery Program Bureau (NRPB) Claret Connor, Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (ECYS) Rodolphe Samuel, and the Director of Windward Roads Infrastructure (WWRI) Pierre Montesant, signed the school repair programme agreement on Monday, February 22.

  The document, which now paves the way for repairs to commence at three of the island’s schools damaged during the passage of Hurricane Irma on Wednesday, September 6, 2017, took place Monday afternoon at the government building on Pond Island.

  This was announced in a press release by the ministry of ECYS on Tuesday.

  The three schools are Leonald Conner School, Sr. Regina School and St. Joseph School. Under the World Bank Trust Fund, 19 schools have been identified for repair works.

  The repairs agreement document outlines the obligations and responsibilities of the works that are to be executed by WWRI.

  Representatives of the Ministry of ECYS together with Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment & Infrastructure VROMI and the project team at NRPB were present on Monday to witness the signing.

  “I would like to say thank you to both the team of NRBP and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport for this part of the journey,” said Samuel. “I know it is not easy, and while I am signing this document, I am definitely thinking about the other schools that also need to be repaired.”

  Minister Samuel also signed the works contract between NRPB and the main contractor Windward Roads for the rehabilitation of the schools as a witness. This document was officially inked by the Director of the NRPB Claret Connor and the Director of WWRI Pierre Montesant.

  “This brings us to the first step of steps to come,” said Connor. “This is for the first three schools, as we work towards progressing to the list of schools that need to be repaired.” He further added that they are looking forward to quality work to be executed in a timely manner so the children that use the schools will have facilities that they will be all proud of.

  “The school repairs activity, as part of the Emergency Recovery Project one, focuses on ensuring that schools are watertight, more hurricane resilient, and safe to use under regular conditions. The scope of works will include mould and asbestos assessment and removal/ remediation, roof repairs, fencing, electrical work, plumbing, replacing of broken windows and doors, and the installation of hurricane shutters. Should any structural issues be found during inspections or works, these will also be included to ensure a safe school environment,” NRPB said in a previously released statement.

  According to the press release, Leonald Conner School management team will continue to communicate with parents/guardians about the school relocation plans. In addition, an engagement session will be organised by NRPB to connect virtually with teachers, parents and guardians to share information of the repair works at the school and allow questions and concerns from parents to be addressed.

  “Finally, I want to say thank you to the management, support staff, teachers, parents/guardians and students for their patience and understanding during the long process of finally reaching this goal.

  “We look forward for the repair works to start and the doors to be opened once again, welcoming all students, teachers and management back to the property in the very near future,” Connor concluded.

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