Perpetual Plastics launched on International Plastic Free Day

Perpetual Plastics launched on International Plastic Free Day

By Foresee Foundation

Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) will launch its “plastic recycling social workspace”, Perpetual Plastics (PP), on International Plastic Free Day, tomorrow, Saturday, May 25. The public is invited to explore this new initiative from 10:00am to 4:00pm at its location on Union Road in Cole Bay, next to Burger King.

During the open day, the team will demonstrate the complete recycling process for types 2 and 5 plastics. This workspace offers a unique opportunity for individuals, organizations, and businesses to actively reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, greener island. EPIC and the PP team look forward to engaging the community in their latest environmental effort.

What inspired the EPIC Foundation to launch PP?

EPIC, founded in the early 2000s, focuses on conservation through research, education, outreach, and advocacy. Projects, including native tree replanting and waste management, aim to show tangible results. PP works to reduce the harmful impact of plastic on the environment and human health.

Can you please elaborate on the processes that will be used at PP?

PP works via the open-source “Precious Plastic” concept whereby plastic recycling is made possible throughout the whole world via an easily accessible method. Through this, we’ve acquired a shredder, injector and an extruder. For these machines, you can use plastic types 2 (HDPE) & 5 (PP), these are “safer” and more durable plastics to recycle based on their chemical composition. Both latter machines are used to melt the shredded plastics, which are then “injected” into a mould, which can be generic, or custom-made.

How do you envision PP impacting the local community and environment in terms of reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainability?

As with all EPIC projects, education and awareness are key, and this project is no different. Getting the community knowledgeable and involving them in the process is crucial. That is why phase one included the schools, and getting the children involved. Our workspace will also welcome the public, and integrate others, especially those with physical and mental challenges, proving that waste is not worthless, and that beautiful useful products can be made from discarded plastics. Other phases include public accessibility to recycling bins and recycling options, and collaborating with businesses and other organizations to introduce more sustainable practices to their operations, but the core message of reducing unsustainable plastic-use stays the same.

What opportunities will be available for the public and local businesses to get involved?

There are different ways to get involved: Start collecting and contributing plastics type 2 and 5 in-house; place a public collection bin at your location; get custom-made moulds created specifically for your organisation; contribute financially or in-kind; or if you cater to any special-needs groups that could benefit from getting included in the project, or teach kids, or would like to volunteer on-site or at a clean-up. Any organisation that is interested in getting involved can reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /

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