My Thanksgiving List

My Thanksgiving List


With Thanksgiving just days away, you’ve probably given some thought to what will make your Thanksgiving list this year, seeing that Thanksgiving is a time when even those, who are not necessarily known for their thankfulness, find themselves in situations that get them thinking about the many things there are for which they should be thankful. The thing about having a heart that is thankful, is that when we pause and take a moment to count our blessings, we soon find ourselves running out of time as our list stretches out far longer than we could have ever imagined. I know; because once I got started on my Thanksgiving list, I had to force myself to wrap things up, but also because of the obvious constraints of time and space that limit columns such as this one.

Among the gazillion things for which I am thankful, here in random order are the things that made my list: A roof over my head; God’s daily provision and protection; Hugs and kisses; Coffee, oatmeal and cashew nuts; The kindness of strangers; Sunrises and sunsets; Sunshine and rain; The setbacks that have made me a stronger person; Clean laundry; Cool temperatures; Wonderful parents who are healthy and well; Pleasant memories that put a smile on my face; Access to reasonably good healthcare; Rainbows and flowers; Advances in modern medicine; The privilege of prayer and the comfort that can be found in reading God’s holy word.

Drinking water that’s safe and clean; A great husband who’s also my best friend; Long walks on the beach; A peaceful home that I can call my sanctuary; Air conditioning; Having a job that I love and that allows me to work from home sometimes; Good food; The blessings and conveniences of having access to the internet; My newspaper column and the people it reaches; A good night’s sleep; My family heritage; Good movies; My sense of sight and hearing and smell and taste and touch; Long, warm showers; Modern technology; Living in a safe and free country; Every good experience I’ve had; Honest, hardworking people; Salvation and the hope of Heaven.

Having a Master’s degree and an all-round good education; Avocadoes and bananas; Great ideas; Chicken soup; The ability to drive; My siblings; Life’s joys and sorrows; Hot bread; Easy access to supermarkets, shops and gas stations; Good music; Cell phones; A life that’s meaningful and happy; My three awesome kids; The ministry of the Holy Spirit in my life; Breath mints; Good neighbours; Vacuum cleaners and washing machines; Laughter and tears; Faith and hope; Jeans and T-shirts; Netflix; Finding a good parking spot when I most need it; Close friends; Ovens, refrigerators, and microwaves.

Being a mom and a nana; Comfortable clothes and shoes; Nice, soft pillows; Freedom of expression; Money, alarm clocks and packages in the mail; Electricity and running water; Potato chips and long weekends; Family vacations and get-togethers with friends; Energy to do the things I have to do; Having a generator at the office; The convenience of having a car that drives well; A reasonable boss; Positive motivation; Good health; A fulfilling ministry and a great church home; Animals and birds; The gift of this moment; Paved roads and courteous drivers; Apple pie, eggnog and black cake; Holidays and the fact that Christmas is coming.

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