Tonight: Harmony in Duet piano concert

Tonight: Harmony in Duet piano concert

Don’t miss this magical musical event!

Experience the enchanting world of live opera once again as Classical Delight presents the Harmony in Duet piano concert starting at 8 o’clock sharp this evening, May 23. This extraordinary concert of piano and vocal performances promises to captivate from the first note to the final bow, offering a musical journey unlike any other.

After a few years' hiatus, Classical Delight eagerly invites classical music aficionados and newcomers alike to enjoy this spectacular event, designed to immerse you in the beauty and grandeur of opera.

The evening will feature one of St. Maarten’s most talented vocalists, La-Vaune Henry, and pianist Elaine Walters, along with guest performers from the United States: pianists Chun-Wei and Shane Schag, and tenor Alex Richardson.

The Harmony in Duet concert series, initiated nearly two decades ago by Bernadine van Veen and co-founders, including the late Roger Snow of The Daily Herald, Reinier Heere, Peter Scherzinger and Liesbeth Halbertsma, was established to promote culture, enjoyment, and music education. Van Veen, then leading the Adante music school, aimed to elevate students' development by exposing them to high-calibre musical artistry.

Today, Classical Delight continues this legacy with a strong focus on youth outreach and music education. Over 200 invited students will experience the magic of opera for free, with discounted tickets available for children and students this evening.

Under the leadership of Van Veen, Dr. van der Waag, and Hilda Guevara, Classical Delight is dedicated to inspiring music lovers and fostering a deep appreciation for the arts. This is a rare opportunity to savour an unforgettable experience alongside fellow music enthusiasts.

Harmony in Duet takes place at 8:00 this evening, May 23, at the Belair Community Center. Tickets are priced at $30 for adults and $15 for children/students, and can be purchased at the door. For more information, call +1 721 520-1030, +1 721 526-2091, or +1 721 520-8444.

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