Jokes for those who miss carnival!

Jokes for those who miss carnival!

When is a party both sweet and sour?

When it’s a pretty good lime.


Did you hear there was a mermaid in the Junior parade?

Yes, she had great fin-esse!

Why do chickens love carnival pageants?

Because they are just egg-celent, chick, peck-tacular, even!

Why did the bee enter the carnival pageant?

She wanted to be a bee-auty queen!

Why did the cows show up to the parade?

Because they love to moo-ve to the moo-sic!

Why didn’t the bicycle join the parade?

It was just two-tired!

Does a pencil stand a chance at winning a pageant?

I suppose; it does know how to draw attention!

What do you call a princess who designs her own dresses?

A sew-cialite!

Why did the balloon have the most fun at the parade?

Because it was pumped up and ready to party!

Why do ghosts like going to the carnival village?

They love to boo-gie!

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